On the other hand, March for Life president Jeanne Mancini noted in a statement to The Washington Stand that “25 states have taken strong and courageous steps to enact pro-life protections that respect the inherent dignity of the unborn and women. For example, 16 states now offer alternatives to abortion funding (A2A) to strengthen and support adoption agencies, as well as the nearly 3,000 pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes that exist around the nation to provide resources, care, and support to pregnant women in need.”
But to win the cultural moment, said Lankford, Republicans need a sustained message driving home their commitment to building “a culture of life as a country — that we value every single person, whether it is a single adult in a very vulnerable moment or a child in the womb.”
“In a very vulnerable moment, we value life.”
The Christian Post
Skip to main contentPioneering pro-life icon who inspired Lila Rose, other leading activists dies after heart attack

A pro-life advocate known for exposing abusive, unlawful practices in the abortion industry and inspiring a generation of activists has died at 74.
Mark Crutcher, a pro-life leader and president of Life Dynamics, a group that has conducted undercover investigations and reported on numerous cases of abortion facilities covering up child sex abuse, died Thursday after suffering a heart attack on Sunday, his wife, Tulane, confirmed.
In an interview with The Christian Post, Tulane Crutcher said her husband began working full-time in the pro-life movement in the late 1980s, training "thousands of people" in debating the issue through his seminars. In 1992, he started Life Dynamics.
She highlighted a documentary her husband released in 2009 titled "Maafa21," which examined the abortion rate among minority populations, arguing that the eugenics movement was behind the creation of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.
There is a storm brewing, and I'm concerned you may not be prepared for it. Today is MAJOR.
President Biden is empowering anti-Christian forces to severely deplete your religious liberty. It's a surreptitious war that could destroy everything we've fought for.
Kicking pro-life students out of federal buildings, threatening to arrest a pastor for praying in front of the Chinese Embassy, banning churches from using their own property, attacking religious liberty in the military, and calling Christians "criminals" – this is just the beginning.
We just filed a critical brief at the Supreme Court YESTERDAY to stop Biden's attempt to strip away your right to attend church on Sunday. And our next deadlines are looming.
I've never seen anything like this. We MUST act now, or we could lose it all. We're your last line of defense in court. But to have the resources we need to defeat Biden's relentless attacks on your faith at the Supreme Court, we need your support.
I know times are tight, but without YOU, our rights will be eviscerated. We've fought together too long to let that happen.
TODAY, we are launching our March Matching Challenge. Every gift TODAY will be DOUBLED – dollar for dollar: $5 becomes $10; $20 becomes $40.
Have Your Gift Doubled Today Before Our Looming Deadlines.
If they can block you from going to church, what's next? Take urgent action with us.
Sign: Defend Your Right To Go to Church at the Supreme Court.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel
There has been a major development in our lawsuit.
The security supervisor at the National Archives that targeted pro-lifers has been essentially FIRED – removed from all work at the National Archives – as a direct result of our lawsuit.
It's now been revealed that this security supervisor "provided instructions to other security officers" to target pro-life individuals on the day of the March for Life. Christian students, grandparents, and others were accosted, berated, and kicked out of the National Archives and the Smithsonian museums because they wore pro-life shirts, hats, and other attire.
This is major. As you know, it is next to impossible to remove anyone from power in these Deep State bureaucratic agencies. WE GOT IT DONE.
That's not all; we also obtained a consent decree in court preventing the National Archives from continuing to violate the Constitution.
But as we warned you, we cannot let them get away with just scapegoating one security guard. Two federal institutions kicked out pro-lifers on the same day. There is clearly more corruption at play here. And we're continuing to battle in both our lawsuits.
Biden's Deep State has been conducting a vendetta against life for the overturning of Roe. They are expanding abortion, trying to shut down pro-life centers, turning the Post Office into abortion dealers, and throwing out Christians for their pro-life views.
We are engaged in every one of these cases. We can win, but we need immense resources to keep fighting in court.
Give To Defend Unborn Babies & Pro-lifers From Biden's Attack.
As we go to court, take urgent action with us to stop this insidious assault on the Constitution.
Sign Petition: Stop Biden's Deep State From Banning Pro-Lifers.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel
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Democrat Calls Advocacy for Natural Family ‘Dangerous and Un-American’
radical activists that peddle gender ideology and pressure children into life-altering, experimental procedures and drugs,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp. “Science and common sense tell us that children aren’t mature enough to properly evaluate the serious ramifications of making certain decisions; the decision to undergo dangerous and likely sterilizing gender transition procedures is no exception.”
Ironically, Woods’s organization — and Woods personally — has also taken heat from Kristi Noem after Woods wrote a letter asking her to take action against a “kid-friendly” drag show sponsored by South Dakota State University. Noem responded by instructing the organization to “find an executive director” who does not “attack the most conservative governor in the country.”
Sanford Health, Noem’s top career donor, furnishes minors with puberty blockers and commits transgender surgeries, has received accreditation on the “Healthcare Equality Index.” The industry successfully killed a similar bill, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act, in the 2020-2021 legislative session.
Woods says his organization will continue advocating for nature and the natural family. “Any child who grows up without a mother has lost something. Any child who grows up without a father has lost something,” Woods told TWS. “We will not ignore this loss, no matter the political consequences.”
God’s grace is essential to the Christian faith. From start to finish, our redemption is accomplished by God alone, and it is by His sovereign grace that Jesus Christ is building His church. However, this doesn’t mean that Christians may live passively. The book of Ephesians reveals that God’s grace equips us for faithful service in the world and empowers us to live courageously for Christ’s name.
This is the vital reality that brought Dr. Thierfelder and over 75 Belmont Abbey students, faculty, and staff to Washington, D.C. for last Friday's March for Life, following which they enjoyed the first Mass ever held at Belmont House.
Over 30 international pro-life leaders from Malta to New Zealand strategizing on the next steps for the pro-life movement internationally.
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Pro-Life Protestor Facing Federal Jury Trial January 26, 2023![]() Like Freedom Press? Get news that you don't want to miss delivered directly to your inbox The federal trial of a Pennsylvania father charged by Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) with assault while engaged in pro-life sidewalk counseling is underway this week. Mark Houck has been accused of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The case first received national attention when almost two dozen armed FBI agents descended on his rural home in September 2022 to arrest him using SWAT team raid techniques. As Houck’s wife and seven children watched, he was arrested by agents aiming rifles at him while bearing a battering ram and wearing ballistic shields. The Biden DOJ made an example out of Houck for daring to express pro-life beliefs by calling for the raid. Similar charges are prosecuted by serving a summons to appear in court at a future date. In Houck’s case, his attorney had even advised the prosecuting attorney in advance that he would accept the service of a court summons on his client’s behalf. The FACE Act dates to the Clinton administration. It prohibits the use of force or threats of force to “injure, intimidate or interfere with any person” attempting to obtain or provide “reproductive health services.” Congress passed the law in 1994 in response to a Supreme Court decision that found a federal civil rights statute that protected the right to assemble in public spaces near abortion clinics. The FACE Act has been used exclusively to prosecute pro-life protestors and sidewalk counselors. Pro-Life Protestor Facing Federal Jury Trial This Week![]() Like Freedom Press? Get news that you don't want to miss delivered directly to your inbox The federal trial of a Pennsylvania father charged by Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) with assault while engaged in pro-life sidewalk counseling is underway this week. Mark Houck has been accused of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The case first received national attention when almost two dozen armed FBI agents descended on his rural home in September 2022 to arrest him using SWAT team raid techniques. As Houck’s wife and seven children watched, he was arrested by agents aiming rifles at him while bearing a battering ram and wearing ballistic shields. The Biden DOJ made an example out of Houck for daring to express pro-life beliefs by calling for the raid. Similar charges are prosecuted by serving a summons to appear in court at a future date. In Houck’s case, his attorney had even advised the prosecuting attorney in advance that he would accept the service of a court summons on his client’s behalf. The FACE Act dates to the Clinton administration. It prohibits the use of force or threats of force to “injure, intimidate or interfere with any person” attempting to obtain or provide “reproductive health services.” Congress passed the law in 1994 in response to a Supreme Court decision that found a federal civil rights statute that protected the right to assemble in public spaces near abortion clinics. The FACE Act has been used exclusively to prosecute pro-life protestors and sidewalk counselors. The facts alleged in the case against Houck stem from a single event in October 2021. Houck became involved in a verbal and physical altercation with a “volunteer patient escort” outside a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood abortion facility. Prosecutors allege that Houck shoved the alleged victim to the ground while he was escorting two patients into the abortion facility. In a second count, they claim Houck caused injuries to the victim that required medical attention. The government must prove beyond reasonable doubt that Houck’s intentional act caused the altercation against the escort because that person held the legal status of a “provider of reproductive health services.” It must also prove that the escort was either directly assisting in an abortion procedure or helping a woman to receive an abortion when the alleged assault occurred. Houck is expected to show the jury that his encounter with the escort happened when the two female patients had already left the Planned Parenthood facility. Houck then helped the women to a crisis pregnancy center across the street from the abortion clinic. That would mean the “victim” was the aggressor in violation of the FACE Act, which also covers pregnancy centers. Houck is also expected to show that the altercation with the escort happened because the man began verbally harassing his 12-year-old son. The “victim” then placed himself in between Houck and his son, leading the dad to take necessary steps to protect his child. Houck could face up to 11 years in federal prison if he is convicted on all counts. However, even if Houck is rightfully acquitted of all the charges, the DOJ will have accomplished its goal of further chilling free speech and the right to peaceably assemble in public. | |
By Delana Forsyth
Abortion “Defending the Unborn.”
Matthew 25:40>
And the king will answer and say to them,
Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.
1 Timothy 6:13>
I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things and before Christ Jesus who witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate,
14>that you keep this commandment without spot blame until our Lord Jesus Christ's appearance.
If you're faced with an unwanted pregnancy, please read the beginning of this article.
Let’s go to the Bible and hear what the Word has to say. The 10 commandments clearly say we shall not murder, period.
Did you know it's a crime to destroy an eagle's egg in the United States? Yet mothers are willing to murder their own children and it is permitted. Women in today's society are careless and completely mixed up! Sex is allowed among young girls at a young age. From 11 up. I understand in some cultures a young girl is a woman when she reaches puberty. The physical part may be there but not the mental part.
And the scourge of abortion is worldwide. They had reported it years ago that
“Nearly a third of pregnancies in Europe end in Europe and the United States is not far behind.”
Girls today are careless in so many ways. Young girls of today have lost value and respect for themselves. Parents are too scared to chastise our children. The laws on the side of the children.
In China, the number is unthinkable 23 million per year. (China is only allowed one child, and most only want boys because they are able to work in the fields).
How does ending life in this way find such widespread acceptance? Many in favor of abortion make the woeful argument that what is growing in a woman's womb is not really a human being. If the heart is beating, an unborn child is a Human being right from the moment of conception. There is a reason for and only God. Has the right to say what happens. A child at any stage is not (or human) a piece of tissue.
The case involves the constitutionality of a Louisiana state law requiring doctors who perform abortions to admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. The Supreme Court struck down a similar law in 2016, but the Court of Appeals or the Fifth Circuit upheld Louisiana’s statute, holding that the requirement did not impose a substantial burden on women’s abortion access. The Fifth Circuit explained how the Louisiana law had minimal impact on abortion clinics within the state.
How Do I Stop Doing What I Hate I Do?

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (Romans 7:15)
There is a reality that every believer must recognize, and the sooner you do, the better off you will be. You are at war. An internal war goes on between your flesh and your spirit. Galatians 5 tells us these two will never come to an agreement; the things they want oppose each other. Because there will never be a peace treaty, this fight will continue until the day you die. Understanding this makes what Paul says in Romans, “what I hate I do,” more understandable and real.
“What I Hate I Do” Acknowledges the Struggle with the Sinful Nature
It would be wonderful if, after we got saved, we never struggled with sinful natures again. Imagine never having to deal with the fleshly urges we must guard ourselves against. However, that is not where we are right now. Depending on our struggles, God may immediately remove some appetites when we get saved. The more we go down our discipleship journey of becoming like Christ, the more he convicts us about our appetites. But we must still contend with our flesh. This is why Paul said, “what I hate I do.”
Paul is making an acknowledgment two things live in us. The spirit motivates our desire to do what is right. The flesh motivates our desire to do what is sinful. Here is the difference between desires before and after you get saved. As Christians, we know that our sin brings stronger conviction, and since we are saved, our actions impact our witness and fellowship.
Sin is so devastating to us because it breaks our communion with Jesus. Think about how you feel when you sin. An emptiness is present. There is a sense of, “why did I do that?” There is this general remorse, and these things put a divider between you and the Lord. Because these things affect your fellowship with God, you hate them. But now, here is the problem. Even though you hate them, you are sometimes drawn to do them.
“What I Hate I Do” Acknowledges the Weaknesses Within Us
Paul’s words also teach us about watching out for particular weaknesses. We are each drawn to certain types of sins. We all have weak areas, and if we don’t protect them, they can become areas that trip us up. Some people are tempted to drink alcohol excessively—a glass of wine or a piece of rum cake can be dangerous for them. In my case, alcohol is not an area of weakness or temptation. However, if you put a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies and cold milk in front of me, it is a different conversation.
I am not trying to make light of these things. The truth is we all have a natural inclination toward certain things. Over time, because of the impact of these things, we grow to hate them or hate doing them.
How to Stop Doing the Things You Hate to Do
Since there are things you hate to do, can you ever reach the place where you stop doing them? The answer is complicated because we each have a mix of reasons (spiritual, chemical, biological) why we have certain weaknesses. However, we can begin a journey to overcome these weaknesses, both spiritual and practical.
The Spiritual Answer to “What I Hate I Do”
“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (Galatians 5:16)
To overcome doing the things we hate doing, we need a power greater than our flesh. That power comes from the Holy Spirit. The same Paul who wrote “what I hate I do” in Romans is the same Paul who writes in Galatians that if we walk by the Spirit, we won’t do the things we hate to do. Here is an article that will look further into this verse in Galatians.
The first step in overcoming the fleshly impulses in our life is to walk by the power of the Holy Spirit. Walking by his power requires daily renewal and reliance upon his ability to overcome the urges that lie within us. As we seek him in prayer and worship and fill our hearts and minds with the word of God, we can build up a level of resistance to the things that would naturally draw us. Let me say it this way. We overcome natural desires with supernatural strength.
Walking by the Spirit may solve the spiritual need here. However, there is also a practical side to this as well.
The Practical Answer to “What I Hate I Do”
As much as the Holy Spirit helps us not to do the things we hate doing, one thing he does is he gives us practical wisdom. There are places you go, people you hang out with, and things you listen to that feed your fleshly desires. You must avoid those places. Here is some wisdom from Jesus regarding this.
“If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” (Matthew 5:29)
Is Jesus telling you to cut off your body parts? Not at all. If he did, we would all only have one eye (or less). Instead, we must cut off from our lives the things that can entice us to sin.
We do this because of the effects sin can have in our lives. Everything you allow in your space has the potential to affect you and stir up desires, both good and bad, within us. I was recently reading some books by a famous author. I read one and enjoyed the book’s suspense, so I decided to read through a collection of books he had written. As I read the second one, the content didn’t sit right with me. I asked myself, “Why am I feeding my mind with this stuff?” I put the book down and have not picked it back up. The things you feed yourself can move you towards the things you hate or away from them. Cut out anything that could influence you to do things you hate to do.
You Can be Victorious Over the Things You Hate to Do
I want to acknowledge this fight is real. I also want you to recognize the fight is not impossible. You may have to make some changes in your life. You may have to cut some things off. You may have to use practical tools (counseling, community support, medicine) that you never expected you would need to fight your weaknesses. But you can be victorious.
You are not alone in this fight. The Holy Spirit is here to help. Recognize the things you hate doing and work with him to help you overcome them. Ask him what to add to your life and what to cut out. I admit cutting can sometimes be painful. Still, it is better to cut the thing out now than to leave it alone and potentially cause more harm.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/wildpixel
This article is part of our larger resource library of popular Bible verse phrases and quotes. We want to provide easy-to-read articles that answer your questions about the meaning, origin, and history of specific verses within Scripture's context. We hope that these will help you better understand the meaning and purpose of God's Word in your life.
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